The Seed of Change
The change process has started – before you even call me or write to ask for a consultation.
You’ve already planted that seed in your mind, heart, and body.
It germinates in the moment.
The moment you notice your stomach turn and your throat tighten before you realize you need to have a difficult conversation but are avoiding it.
The moment you wake up at 4 am, tossing and turning, stressed about feeling behind – but the day hasn’t even started yet.
The moment you ask yourself, “Isn’t there more to life?”
The Process of Cultivation
Together, we collaborate on your priorities. From the first session, you tend to the seed of change by watering it, giving it proper light, and nurturing what you’d like to see differently in your life.
The Creation of Fertile Soil
We start in fortifying the soil of your mind and nervous system to become more fertile so that the seed of change will not only survive but thrive.
This might mean becoming more awake and aware of the patterns that already exist – both those that strengthen you and those you’d like to change.
It might mean cultivating strategies to learn about – while simultaneously get space from – difficult emotions or experiences.
It also means developing mindfulness practices, honing awareness of your thoughts and bodily sensations.
The Fruits of Your Labor
Therapy is a collaborative process involving your visions of what you want to be different in your life.
Together, we work to understand how your past wiring and programming have affected your current choices, while also exploring the new possibilities that await you.
We set goals you’d like to make to start the process, identify, and deal with what has interfered with these in the past and determine which weeds need pulling and which seeds to nourish with strategies and practice.
We explore together any sources of discomfort that arise during the process, as these often signal where the greatest transformation can occur.
A Sturdy, Stable Tree with Grounded Roots and Branches
Ultimately, you’ll nurture the seed into a tree embodying your authentic, true self.
Your roots will firmly anchor in a deeper sense of self – a self capable of weathering the storms of life’s adversity.
Your branches will blossom with strength and confidence – able to bear the weight of life’s stressors.
From this core identity, you’ll enjoy a sense of knowing yourself and your needs – and acting in congruence with what matters for you.
It’s already begun.
The seed has already been planted. It’s waiting for you.
Reach out to me by email: